UC Berkeley Data Science Education Program

The Data Science Education Program is an initiative at UC Berkeley that aims to expand data science learning for undergrads, and is designed for students from non-technical backgrounds.

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UC Berkeley Data Science Education Program

The Problem

Few other colleges teach data science as an intro course, not because the content is challenging so much as because the student set-up time is so high. Many packages and tools — such as Jupyter, Pandas, and Matplotlib —need to be configured for students to adequately learn key concepts. This presents a serious barrier to entry for non-technical students.

The Solution

Blueprint’s project team will be creating a new deployment system that is easy for other classes and universities to use. This new system will deploy in one step with minimal configuration. be easily monitored for traffic and errors, and work across multiple cloud providers, including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services. Blueprint’s completed application will potentially impact thousands of students in Berkeley alone — and if it is used by other universities, countless more students will be exposed to the power of data science.